Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted.
To catch you up... I knew I was going to be going on a 7 day cruise in October so I tried for several weeks to lose extra weight to make up for the weight I knew I was going to gain on the cruise. I didn't want to feel guilty about having the fruity drinks or desserts! Anyway, that never happened. I went on the cruise and gained 7 lbs! It took about 3 weeks to get that weight back off and in the meantime I felt awful...physically. I felt sluggish and just plain icky.
Add to that the fact that my beloved aerobics instructor quit just before my cruise making my exercise plan sporadic and just plain "off" once I returned. Oh, I almost forgot, I went off the pill at this time, too. (I just turned 40 and my doctor decided to cut me off). So, I had lack of a consistent exercise plan, fluctuating hormones, and a lingering "cruise mentality." It shouldn't have surprised me that after losing the 7 pounds I put on 9 during Christmas and New Years!
I'm extremely thankful for Weight Watchers meetings. I go regularly and if it weren't for those meetings I would doubt that I would be able to get back on track. But, I know I will. I have lost 3.2 of the 9 lbs gained and have made it a goal to lose that and more by April.
One of my goals for 2009 is to continue posting here on a more regular basis. I hope my weight loss journey is helpful to some of you.
Happy New Year.