I truly believe this is paramount to success in weight loss. Get rid of your old, "fat" clothes! Big, baggy clothes make you look fat...really! As your clothes start to get baggy, go get a couple of pairs of pants that fit and get rid of the ones that don't. Wearing clothes that fit and look good on you will keep you motivated to continue on.
But, "this can get costly," you say. Is it better to sabbotage your weight-loss efforts? And, really, you can keep the cost down by employing a couple of strategies. First, try local consignment shops and The Salvation Army. These are good places to get a few pieces to tide you over until you reach the next size. If you are attending weight-loss meetings, you might ask if anyone else has just "passed through" the size you need. Perhaps you can get a clothes-swap organized? Then, perhaps you can treat yourself to a shopping spree when you reach your final goal and replenish your closet with beautiful, well-fitting, smaller-sized clothes.
Above all, do not save your old clothes "just in case." In order to succeed, you must believe that you will NEVER go back to the "old" you. "Just in case" will never happen!